• CSA 1.1-M81 (R2011)

CSA 1.1-M81 (R2011)

Domestic Gas Ranges

CSA Group , 05/09/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


This PDF includes GI #2.

1.1 Scope


This standard applies to newly produced domestic gas ranges (see Part III, Definitions) constructed entirely of new, unused parts and materials

(a) for use with natural gas, (b) for use with propane, (c) for installation in mobile housing or recreational vehicles for use with propane only (see 1.2.22), and (d) for installation in mobile housing or recreational vehicles convertible for use with natural gas or propane when provision is made for the simple conversion from one gas to another (see 1.2.22).

The construction of domestic ranges for use with the above- mentioned gases is covered under Part I.

The performance of domestic ranges for use with the above- mentioned gases is covered under Part II.


A gas-fired room heater incorporated in a domestic range sha ll be of the vented type and shall be equipped with a safety shut-off device. It shall comply with the applicable construction provisions of the current standard CAN1-2.1 GAS- FIRED VENTED ROOM HEATERS.

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