This is the fifth edition of CSA A440.2/A440.3, Fenestration energy performance/User guide to CSA A440.2-09, Fenestration energy performance. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2004, 1998, 1993, and 1991 under the title Energy performance of windows and other fenestration systems (and associated user guides). This edition incorporates CSA A453-95, Energy Performance Evaluation of Swinging Doors, which is considered superseded by this Standard.
Fenestration energy performance
1 Scope
This Standard applies to
(a) fenestration systems covered by AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, including
(i) vertically sliding windows;
(ii) horizontally sliding windows;
(iii) dual-action windows;
(iv) casement windows, both fixed and operable;
(v) projecting (awning/hopper) windows;
(vi) fixed windows;
(vii) sidelites;
(viii) transom windows;
(ix) sliding glass doors;
(x) side-hinged doors;
(xi) dual-action side-hinged doors;
(xii) architectural terrace doors;
(xiii) unit skylights and roof windows;
(xiv) greenhouse or garden windows; and
(xv) tubular daylighting devices; and
(b) curtain walls.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, the term "fenestration system" is used to apply to all products listed in Clause 1.1.
This Standard specifies both measurement and calculation methods for establishing the following fenestration system properties for both residential and commercial applications:
(a) overall coefficient of heat transfer (U-factor);
(b) solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC); and
(c) visible transmittance (VT).
This is the fifth edition of CSA A440.2/A440.3, Fenestration energy performance/User guide to CSA A440.2-09, Fenestration energy performance. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2004, 1998, 1993, and 1991 under the title Energy performance of windows and other fenestration systems (and associated user guides). This edition incorporates CSA A453-95, Energy Performance Evaluation of Swinging Doors, which is considered superseded by this Standard.
Fenestration energy performance
1 Scope
This Standard applies to
(a) fenestration systems covered by AAMA/WDMA/CSA 101/I.S.2/A440, including
(i) vertically sliding windows;
(ii) horizontally sliding windows;
(iii) dual-action windows;
(iv) casement windows, both fixed and operable;
(v) projecting (awning/hopper) windows;
(vi) fixed windows;
(vii) sidelites;
(viii) transom windows;
(ix) sliding glass doors;
(x) side-hinged doors;
(xi) dual-action side-hinged doors;
(xii) architectural terrace doors;
(xiii) unit skylights and roof windows;
(xiv) greenhouse or garden windows; and
(xv) tubular daylighting devices; and
(b) curtain walls.
Note: Unless otherwise specified, the term "fenestration system" is used to apply to all products listed in Clause 1.1.
This Standard specifies both measurement and calculation methods for establishing the following fenestration system properties for both residential and commercial applications:
(a) overall coefficient of heat transfer (U-factor);
(b) solar heat gain coefficient (SHGC); and
(c) visible transmittance (VT).
CSA A440.2-09/A440.3-09 History
CSA A440.2:19/A440.3:19
$125.00 $250.00
CSA A440.2-14/A440.3-14 (R2018)
$122.00 $244.00
CSA A440.2-09/A440.3-09
$128.00 $256.00
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