• CSA ANSI FC 1-2012

CSA ANSI FC 1-2012

Stationary Fuel Cell Power Systems

CSA Group , 03/27/2012

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1.1 Scope and References

This standard applies to stationary packaged, self-contained fuel cell power systems or fuel cell power systems comprised of factory matched packages of integrated systems which generate electricity through electrochemical reactions.

This standard applies to:
a. systems intended for electrical connection to mains direct, or with a transfer switch, or to a stand-alone power distribution system;
b. systems intended to provide a.c. or d.c. power;
c. systems with or without the ability to recover useful heat;
d. systems intended for operation on the following input fuels:

1. natural gas and other methane rich gases derived from renewable (biomass) or fossil fuel sources, for example, landfill gas, digester gas, coal mine gas;
2. fuels derived from oil refining, for example, diesel, gasoline, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gases such as propane and butane;
3. alcohols, esters, ethers, aldehydes, ketones, Fischer-Tropsch liquids and other suitable hydrogen-rich organic compounds derived from renewable (biomass) or fossil fuel sources, for example, methanol, ethanol, di-methyl ether, biodiesel;
4. hydrogen, gaseous mixtures containing hydrogen gas, for example, synthesis gas, town gas.

This standard does not cover:
a. portable fuel cell power systems;
b. propulsion fuel cell power systems.
A typical stationary fuel cell power system is shown in Figure 1, Stationary Fuel Cell Power System.

This standard is applicable to stationary fuel cell power systems intended for indoor and outdoor commercial, industrial and residential use in non-hazardous (unclassified) areas.
This standard contemplates significant hazards, hazardous situations and events, with the exception of those associated with environmental compatibility (installation conditions), relevant to fuel cell power systems, when they are used as intended and under the conditions foreseen by the manufacturer.
This standard deals with conditions that can yield hazards on the one hand to persons and on the other to damage outside the fuel cell system only. Protection against damage to the fuel cell system internals is not addressed in this standard provided it does not lead to hazards outside the fuel cell system.

The requirements of this standard are not intended to constrain innovation. When considering fuels, materials, designs or constructions not specifically dealt with in this standard, these alternatives shall be evaluated as to their ability to yield levels of safety and performance equivalent to those prescribed by this standard.

Publications of nationally-recognized standards and codes referenced herein are listed in Exhibit A, List of Reference Standards. When applicable, other nationally-recognized publications may be utilized to supplement those referenced herein.
In the absence of applicable publications, the manufacturer may submit other evidence of conformance to the testing agency. However, acceptance of such evidence shall be left at the discretion of the testing agency.

If a value for measurement as given in this standard is followed by an equivalent value in other units, the first stated value is to be regarded as the specification. Conversion factors for quantities stated herein are listed in Appendix F, Table of Conversion Factors.
SI Units stated herein are in accordance with the Standard for Use of the International System of Units: The Modern Metric System, IEEE/ASTM SI 10.

All references to psi throughout this standard are to be considered gage pressure unless otherwise specified.

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