• CSA ANSI Z21.24-2006/CSA 6.10-2006 (R2011)

CSA ANSI Z21.24-2006/CSA 6.10-2006 (R2011)

Connectors for Gas Appliances

CSA Group , 03/19/2007

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


This standard applies to newly produced gas appliance connectors, constructed entirely of new unused parts and materials, having nominal internal diameters of 1/4, 3/8, 1/2, 5/8, 3/4 and 1 in, and having fittings at both ends provided with taper pipe threads for connection to a gas appliance and to house piping. This standard covers assembled appliance connectors not exceeding a nominal length of 6 ft (1.83 m). Connectors listed under this standard are intended for use with gas appliances that are not frequently moved after installation.

For the purpose of this standard, an unused connector, including end fittings, is considered to be a connector which has not been installed.

CSA ANSI Z21.24-2006/CSA 6.10-2006 (R2011) History

CSA /ANSI Z21.24:22 CSA 6.10:22
CSA 6.10-2015/ANSI Z21.24-2015 (R2020)
CSA ANSI Z21.24-2006/CSA 6.10-2006 (R2011)

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