Installation code for oil-burning equipment

CSA Group , 01/30/2024

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF




This is the eleventh edition of CSA B139, Installation code for oil-burning equipment. It supersedes the previous editions published in 2019, 2015, 2009, 2004, 2000, 1991, 1976, 1971, 1962, and 1957. The major changes to this edition include • shut-off valve requirements updated to add ANSI/CAN/UL/ULC 842; • new definition for press-connect fitting (CSA B139.1.0); • oils having flash points above 38 °C (100 °F) have added classification requirements (CSA B139.1.0); • clarifications for piping or tubing in solid flooring (CSA B139.1.0); • requirements for visibility of press-connect fittings (CSA B139.1.0); • new requirements for auxiliary supply tanks located in storage and service rooms (CSA B139.1.0); • additional clarifications for tanks with secondary containment (CSA B139.1.0); • clarifications for fittings and joints (CSA B139.1.0); • correction to clause reference for supply tank fill pipes (CSA B139.1.0); • removed the capability of oil tank levels to be visually determined (CSA B139.1.0); • requirements added for permanent structure for fill point access (CSA B139.1.0) • removal of Annex C due to CSA B140.2.3 being withdrawn (CSA B139.1.0); • removal of Annex E due to overlapping requirements in the CSA B140 host of standards (CSA B139.1.0); • clarification to 45 L capacity for integral supply tanks (CSA B139.1.1); • additional requirements that take into consideration site conditions on tank oil temperatures (CSA B139.1.1); • requirements for engine exhaust stack locations (CSA B139.1.0 and CSA B139.1.1); • new requirements for skin-tight enclosures (CSA B139.1.1); and • clarifications for burners not being interchangeable parts (CSA B139.2.0). This Code is considered suitable for use for conformity assessment within the stated scope of the Code. This Code was prepared by the Technical Committee on Installation of Oil Burning Equipment, under the jurisdiction of the Fuels and Appliances Strategic Steering Committee, and has been formally approved by the Technical Committee. This Code has been developed in compliance with Standards Council of Canada requirements for National Standards of Canada. It has been published as a National Standard of Canada by CSA Group.

CSA B139.1.0:24 - General requirements for large installations


1.1 Installation requirements for large oil-burning equipment

This Code specifies minimum requirements for the installation of large oil-burning equipment. Note: The intent of this Code is to apply to multi-unit residential, commercial, institutional, and industrial buildings in accordance with the provincial building code or, in the absence of such regulation, the National Building Code of Canada.

1.2 Installation of oil-fuelled appliances and equipment

This Code applies to the installation of appliances, equipment, components, and accessories where oil is used for fuel purposes in applications that include a) space heating; b) service water heating; c) power generation; and d) process application.

1.3 Installation and alteration requirements for oil-burning equipment

This Code provides minimum requirements for installing or altering all stationary and portable oil- burning equipment, including a) furnaces; b) process furnaces; c) boilers; d) water heaters; e) vehicle heaters; f) construction heaters; and g) stationary internal combustion engines when used for shaft-power applications for buildings. Note: For installation of internal combustion engines for emergency power applications, see also CSA C282 and CSA Z32. Both these Standards refer to the CSA B139 Series for installation of accessories such as fuel tanks and piping.

1.4 Ancillary equipment installation requirements

This Code provides minimum requirements for installing or altering ancillary equipment, including a) piping and tubing systems; b) pumps; c) control devices; d) venting systems; e) accessories; f) heat distribution systems that affect the proper operation of the oil-burning equipment; g) central oil distribution systems; and h) underground supply tanks, aboveground outdoor tanks, and aboveground tanks installed inside of buildings.

1.5 Maintenance requirements for oil-burning equipment

This Code provides requirements for the maintenance of the most commonly used types of oil-burning equipment.

1.6 Recommended precautions for filling tanks

This Code provides recommended precautions for filling tanks (see Annex G).

1.7 Items not applicable

This Code does not apply to a) process equipment installed in refineries; b) appliances installed in park model trailers, recreational vehicles, and marine craft; c) portable devices such as lamps, blowtorches, melting pots, and weed burners; d) integral fuel tanks of 45 L (10 gal) capacity or less on internal combustion engines; or e) portable oil-burning equipment within the scope of CAN/CSA-B138.1/CAN/CSA-B138.2. Note: For reference, the terms "park model trailers" and "recreational vehicles" are as defined in the CAN/CSA- Z241 Series and CSA Z240 RV Series.

1.8 Terminology

In this Code, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Code; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Code. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application. 1.9 Dual measurements The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Code. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

CSA B139.1.1:24 - General requirements for stationary engines


1.1 Installation requirements for oil-fuelled stationary engines

This Code specifies minimum requirements for the installation of oil-fuelled stationary engines used for a) the generation of electrical power for buildings; b) the generation of electrical power in accordance with CSA C282; c) the generation of electrical power in accordance with CSA Z32; and d) directly connected shaft power for building equipment, industrial equipment, and emergency equipment. Note: Examples of "building equipment" include air compressors and refrigeration equipment; "industrial equipment" includes pumps, compressors, and hoisting equipment; and "emergency equipment" includes fire pumps. This Note does not impose limits on types of driven equipment.

1.2 Relationship with CSA B139.1.0

The requirements of CSA B139.1.0 apply in addition to this Code. Where a conflict or inconsistency exists between CSA B139.1.0 and this Code, the requirements of this Code take precedence.

1.3 Terminology

In this Code, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Code; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Code. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

1.4 Dual measurements

The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Code. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

CSA B139.1.2:24 - General requirements for special installations


1.1 Oil-burning appliances and equipment installation

This Code applies to the installation of appliances, equipment, components, and accessories where oil is used for fuel purposes in a) used-oil-burning appliances; b) central oil distribution systems; c) construction heaters and fuel systems; and d) vehicle heaters.

1.2 Field installation of burners and combustion control systems

This Code provides minimum requirements for the field installation of burners and their combustion control systems.

1.3 Relationship with CSA B139.1.0

The requirements of CSA B139.1.0 apply in addition to this Code. Where a conflict or inconsistency exists between CSA B139.1.0 and this Code, the requirements of this Code take precedence.

1.4 Terminology

In this Code, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Code; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Code. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

1.5 Dual measurements

The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Code. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

CSA B139.2:24 - Installation code for oil-burning equipment for residential and small commercial buildings


1.1 Oil-fired appliances and equipment installation

This Code applies to the installation of appliances, equipment, components, and accessories where oil is used for fuel purposes in applications that include a) space heating; b) service water heating; and c) small process application.

1.2 Installation of appliances and associated equipment in small buildings

This Code applies to the installation of appliances and associated equipment where a) the building is a residential or commercial building as defined by the National Building Code of Canada, does not exceed three storeys in building height, and does not exceed 600 m2 (6458 ft2) in building area; b) the individual or total appliance fuel input rating does not exceed 9.5 L/h (2.5 GPH); c) the maximum fuel input rate to all appliances connected to a common chimney does not exceed 205 kW (700 kBtu/h); d) supply tanks do not exceed an individual capacity of 2500 L (550 gal) or a total capacity of 5000 L (1100 gal) for each premises; and e) no fuel pumps other than appliance integrally mounted fuel pumps are used. Note: The intent of this Code is to apply to residential buildings and small commercial buildings in accordance with the provincial building code or, in the absence of such regulations, in accordance with Part 9 of the National Building Code of Canada.

1.3 Installation and alteration of oil-burning equipment

This Code provides minimum requirements for installing or altering all stationary and portable oil- burning equipment, including a) furnaces; b) boilers; and c) water heaters.

1.4 Ancillary equipment installation requirements

This Code provides minimum requirements for installing or altering ancillary equipment, including a) piping and tubing; b) control devices; c) venting systems; d) accessories; e) heat distribution systems that affect the proper operation of the oil-burning equipment; and f) aboveground supply tanks that have a maximum individual capacity of 2500 L (550 gal) and a maximum total capacity of 5000 L (1100 gal). Note: Underground fuel oil tank installations of any size and aboveground installations over 2500 L (550 gal) are covered by CSA B139.1.0, CSA B139.1.1, and CSA B139.1.2.

1.5 Maintenance requirements for oil-burning equipment

This Code provides requirements for the maintenance of the most commonly used types of oil-burning equipment.

1.6 Recommended precautions for filling tanks

This Code provides recommended precautions for filling tanks (see Annex G of CSA B139.1.0).

1.7 Exclusions

This Code does not apply to a) process equipment installed in refineries; b) appliances installed in park model trailers, recreational vehicles, and marine craft; c) portable devices such as lamps, blowtorches, melting pots, and weed burners; or d) installations supplying oil-fuelled stationary engines. Note: For reference, the terms "park model trailers" and "recreational vehicles" are as defined in the CSA Z241 Series and CSA Z240 RV Series.

1.8 Terminology

In this Code, "shall" is used to express a requirement, i.e., a provision that the user is obliged to satisfy in order to comply with the Code; "should" is used to express a recommendation or that which is advised but not required; and "may" is used to express an option or that which is permissible within the limits of the Code. Notes accompanying clauses do not include requirements or alternative requirements; the purpose of a note accompanying a clause is to separate from the text explanatory or informative material. Notes to tables and figures are considered part of the table or figure and may be written as requirements. Annexes are designated normative (mandatory) or informative (non-mandatory) to define their application.

1.9 Dual measurements

The values given in SI units are the units of record for the purposes of this Code. The values given in parentheses are for information and comparison only.

1.10 Figures and tables

Figures and tables that are referenced with the prefix "B" are to be found in Annex B of CSA B139.1.0. Note: For example, a reference in this Code to "Table B.1" means Table B.1 of CSA B139.1.0.

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