CSA B44.8-16/ASME-A17.8-2016 (R2021)

Standard for wind turbine tower elevators

CSA Group , 11/01/2016

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


CSA Preface

This is the first edition of ASME A17.8/CSA B44.8, Standard for wind turbine tower elevators.

Originally, wind turbine tower elevators were covered in ASME A17.1-2013/CSA B44-13, Section 5.11, published in October 2013. This Code supersedes those requirements. This is a fully harmonized binational Standard.

1.1 Scope

ASME A17.8/CSA B44.8 applies to elevators permanently installed in a wind turbine tower to provide vertical transportation of authorized personnel and their tools and equipment only.

Such elevators are typically subjected to extreme temperatures, humidity variations, and substantial horizontal motions where, by reason of their limited use and the types of construction of the structures served, full compliance with ASME A17.1/CSA B44 Part 2 is not practicable or necessary.

1.1.1 Effective date

The requirements of this edition and subsequent addenda to the Code are effective as of the date noted on the copyright page of this document. The AHJ will establish the effective date for its local regulations.

CSA B44.8-16/ASME-A17.8-2016 (R2021) History

CSA B44.8:21/ASME-A17.8-2021
CSA B44.8-16/ASME-A17.8-2016 (R2021)

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