CSA C22.2 NO. 0.12-M1985 (R2016)

Wiring Space and Wire Bending Space in Enclosures for Equipment Rated 750 V or Less

CSA Group , 02/24/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


This is a searchable PDF.

It includes GI #2.

1. Scope


This Standard applies to enclosed equipment that is to be permanently field connected to line or load circuits rated 750 V or less.


Minimum wiring space and wire bending space requirements are specified for field installed wires terminating in or passing through enclosures or terminal boxes.


The requirements are considered to be the minima that would permit field wiring without damage to the wires.


This Standard shall form a part of and be read in conjunction with all individual standards to which the requirements of this Standard may apply, except that, where an ind ividual standard contains requirements that are at variance with those of this Standard, the requirements of the individual standard shall take precedence.


This Standard does not apply to enclosures of equipment intended to be wired with conductors that are smaller than No. 14 AWG.

CSA C22.2 NO. 0.12-M1985 (R2016) History

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CSA C22.2 NO. 0.12-M1985 (R2016)

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