• CSA C22.2 NO. 187-M1986 (R2008)

CSA C22.2 NO. 187-M1986 (R2008)

Electrostatic Air Cleaners

CSA Group , 03/10/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard applies to electrostatic air cleaners intended to remove dust and dirt from the air and intended for general indoor residential and commercial use.


These requirements do not apply to electrostatic air cleaners for use in hazardous locations or in atmospheres defined as hazardous by the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I. 1.3

These requirements do not cover air cleaners designed to remove particles other than dust and dirt normally found in heating and ventilating systems.


These requirements apply to cord-connected and permanently connected equipment operating at nominal supply voltages up to 600 V, single or polyphase, in accordance with the rules of the Canadi an Electrical Code, Part I.


This Standard does not specify the effectiveness of air cleaners with respect to the removal of airborne particles.


This Standard does not apply to electrostatic air cleaners i ntended for industrial use.

CSA C22.2 NO. 187-M1986 (R2008) History

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CSA C22.2 NO. 187-M1986 (R2008)

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