CSA C22.2 NO. 77-95 (R2013)

Motors With Inherent Overheating Protection

CSA Group , 01/19/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard applies to ac and dc motors with inherent overheating protection designed to be used in accordance with the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I, as follows: (a) motors with a voltage rating not exceeding 600 V and with a protective device connected in the motor circuit; (b) impedance-protected motors with a voltage rating not exceeding 600 V; and (c) motors with a voltage rating not exceeding 5000 V and having a protective device connected in an external control circuit with a voltage rating not exceeding 600 V.


This Standard applies to motors with protective devices that are responsive to (a) motor temperature alone; or (b) motor temperature and motor current passing through the device, but does not apply to motors with protective devices that are responsive to current alone.


This Standard does not apply to sealed (hermetic) type motor compressors with inherent overheating protection (see CSA Standard C22.2 No. 140.2).


A product that contains features, characteristics, components, materials, or systems new or different from those in use when the Standard was developed, and that involves a risk of fire, electric shock, or injury to persons shall be evaluated using the appropriate additional component and end-product requirements as determined necessary to maintain the level of safety for the user of the product as originally anticipated by the intent of this Standard.

CSA C22.2 NO. 77-95 (R2013) History

CSA C22.2 NO. 77:14 (R2019)
CSA C22.2 NO. 77-95 (R2013)

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