• CSA C22.2 NO. 84-95 (R2000)

CSA C22.2 NO. 84-95 (R2000)

Incandescent Lamps

CSA Group , 02/25/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard applies to medium-screwbase incandescent lamps having right-hand threads that are intended for general lighting use in luminaires and other lighting equipment designed to be used in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Electrical Code, Part I.


This Standard includes requirements for (a) general construction details; (b) wattage; (c) torsion resistance; (d) insulation resistance; (e) endurance testing of lamps with an integral voltage- rectifying device; (f) marking and durability of marking; (g) maximum lamp-base temperature; and (h) maximum lamp-profile temperature.


This Standard applies to incandescent lamps having (a) rated wattage up to and including 300 W; (b) rated voltage between 110 V and 130 V; and (c) an E26/24 single-contact, E26d double-contact, or E26/50x39 skirted medium screwbase.


This Standard does not apply to lamps designated for industrial establishments, offices, exhibit space, or like occupancies.

Examples of excluded types are rough-service, vibration, mill, ind ustrial infrared, photographic, projector, traffic-signal, sunlamp, searchlight, headlight, sign, floodlight , spotlight , X-ray illuminator, neck-reflector, bowl-reflector, street-lighting, stre et-railway, cool beam, and natural-coloured lamps, and lamps having a nominal voltage rating not in the 110 - 130 V range. Other than Types BR, ER, R, and PAR.

CSA C22.2 NO. 84-95 (R2000) History

CSA C22.2 NO. 84-05 (R2020)
CSA C22.2 NO. 84-95 (R2000)

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