• CSA F383S1-11 (R2024)

CSA F383S1-11 (R2024)

Supplement #1 to CAN/CSA-F383-08, Installation of packagedsolar domestic hot watersystems

CSA Group , 03/01/2011

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


CSA F383S1-11 (R2024) PDF

This Standard specifies requirements for the installation of packaged solar domestic hot water (SDHW) systems that meet the requirements of the CSA F379 Series.

Note: SDHW systems include those designed to

(a) provide hot water in the absence of an auxiliary water heater;

(b) preheat water for a stand-alone gas, propane, electric, or oil water heater;

(c) use gas, propane, electricity, solid fuels, or oil for auxiliary water heating in an integrated fashion; and

(d) use liquid/liquid or boiling/condensing heat transfer between the solar collectors and potable water.

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