• CSA PLUS 1107 (R2001)(1st ed. pub. 94)

CSA PLUS 1107 (R2001)(1st ed. pub. 94)

User's Guide to Life Cycle Assessment: Conceptual LCA in Practice

CSA Group , 12/10/1999

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


The purpose of this User's Guide is to amplify the contents of CSA Guideline Z760 to provide practical guidance and direction for conducting a conceptual life cycle inventory analysis (LCI). The focus of this is specifically on Phase 1, the initiation phase, and Phase 2, the inventory phase of the

LCA met hod described in CSA Guideline Z760. The other phases of the complete method are discussed as appropriate, because experience has shown iteration of them to be useful, and also because the four phases of Initiation, Inventory, Impact, and Improvement are interrelated and do not necessarily have to be completed sequentially.

This User's Guide addresses the typical issues that arise when LCA/LCR (life cycle review) exercises, primarily with an inventory phase focus, are performed. Although specific examples are used throughout this User's Guide, users should note that CSA does not endorse any particular product or process. Users are encouraged to exercise caution in coming to specific conclusions.

Note: Users must recognize that this Guide covers the Initiation and In ventory phases of a LCA only.

CSA Guideline Z760 covers all four phases of an LCA and therefore should be consulted regarding Input and Improvement assessments.

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