CSA PLUS 61400-12

CSA guide to Canadian wind turbine codes and standards

CSA Group , 12/01/2012

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


CSA PLUS 61400-12 PDF

This is the second edition of PLUS 61400, CSA Guide to Canadian wind turbine codes and standards. It supersedes the preliminary edition published in 2008 under the same title but without the designation.

Changes in this edition include restructuring of topics into four main categories and content revision to match the current state of requirements within Canada.

This Guide provides general information on codes and standards pertaining to the approval, design, installation, operation, and maintenance of wind turbines for use in Canada.

Some of the information presented might appear redundant or obvious to a Canadian user; however, CSA Group receives questions from all over the world about these subjects and therefore some basic information about Canadian regulatory systems has also been included to serve these users.

To maintain relevance, the intent of this Guide will be updated and reissued as required and as resources permit to reflect timely information on the state of standards, codes, and related subject matter pertaining to wind turbines. CSA Group encourages all users of this Guide to contribute to this effort.


(1) Some items or documents referenced within this Guide are not codes or standards, but are included to allow the user to understand other requirements that might be part of a wind power project within Canada.

(2) This publication is a guide only and not an all-encompassing document. The user might require further information to complete their specific requirements.

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