• CSA S408-1981 (R2001)

CSA S408-1981 (R2001)

Guidelines for the Development of Limit States Design

CSA Group , 05/04/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Publication sets forth a recommended common basis for codes and standards for the design and evaluation of civil engineering structures, such as building and industrial structures, bridges, earth and water-retaining structures, towers, chimneys, and poles, with the objective of ensuring an adequate and consistent treatment of safety and serviceability whatever the material, the type of construction, or the use to which the structure is put.

Clauses in codes and standards relating to safety are normally obligatory, while those relating to serviceability are frequently recommendations only.

CSA S408-1981 (R2001) History

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CSA S408-1981 (R2001)

CSA S408-1981 (R2001)

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