CSA Z1004-12 (R2021)

Workplace ergonomics - A management and implementation standard

CSA Group , 03/01/2012

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF



This is the first edition of CSA Z1004, Workplace ergonomics - A management and implementation Standard. This Standard sets out requirements and provides guidance for the systematic application of ergonomics to the development, design, use, management, and improvement of work systems through the implementation of an Ergonomics Process. The objective of this Standard is to enable an organization to enhance worker health, safety, and well-being and optimize system performance to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities and/or reduce the severity of harm related to occupational activities and work environments.

Scope and objective
1.1 Scope

This Standard specifies requirements and provides guidance for the systematic Application of Ergonomics to the development, design, use, management, and improvement of work systems through the implementation of an Ergonomics Process.

This Standard does not apply to medical management programs or to aspects that could be considered part of a medical management program, such as therapeutic or clinical interventions.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this Standard is to enable an organization to enhance worker health, safety, and well-being and optimize system performance to prevent occupational injuries, illnesses, and fatalities and/or reduce the severity of harm related to occupational activities and work environments through the systematic Application of Ergonomics. Prevention strategies proactively identify hazards and eliminate them where possible. Where elimination is not possible, prevention can be achieved through appropriate risk assessment and control techniques.

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