• CSA Z107.51-M1980 (R1999)

CSA Z107.51-M1980 (R1999)

Procedure for In-Situ Measurement of Noise From Industrial Equipment

CSA Group , 01/18/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard covers procedures for the measurement of airborne sound originating from industrial equipment in the working environment rather than in a standardized environment.


This Standard describes the following three procedures:

(a) A procedure for determining the A-weighted sound levels at representative points around the equipment (see Clause 5);

(b) A procedure for determining A-weightend sound power levels of the equipment (see Clause 6); and

(c) A procedure for determining sound pressure levels in octave or third octave bands around the equipment (see Clause 7).


This Standard applies to the measurement of equipment noises that are essentially continuous in nature (see Appendices A an d B) and it provides descriptions of the long term average sound emission of the equipment.

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