• CSA Z318.0-93 (R1999)

CSA Z318.0-93 (R1999)

Commissioning of Health Care Facilities

CSA Group , 12/01/1999

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard provides guidelines for the commissioning of health care facilities (HCFs). This Standard is not intended to dictate the actual design, design initiatives, construction procedures, or operating procedures. Rather it is intended to provide guidance to the user/owner and designer to develop a plan that ensures the facility functions as specified and is able to operate as intended.


This Standard applies to new construction as well as r edevelopment or renovation of existing facilities.


This Standard should be used with the CSA Standards Z318.1 to Z318.7. These Standards deal with the commissioning of specific HCF subsystems.


In this Standard, ""shall"" indicates a mandatory requirement and ""should"" indicates a recommendation.

CSA Z318.0-93 (R1999) History

CSA Z318.1-95 (R2001)

CSA Z318.1-95 (R2001)

$45.00 $90.00

CSA Z318.3-95 (R2001)

CSA Z318.3-95 (R2001)

$45.00 $90.00

CSA Z318.4-95 (R2001)

CSA Z318.4-95 (R2001)

$34.00 $68.00

CSA Z318.2-95 (R2001)

CSA Z318.2-95 (R2001)

$18.00 $37.00

CSA Z318.5-95 (R2001)

CSA Z318.5-95 (R2001)

$45.00 $90.00

CSA Z318.0-93 (R1999)

CSA Z318.0-93 (R1999)

$18.00 $37.00

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