• CSA Z432-94 (R1999)

CSA Z432-94 (R1999)

Safeguarding of Machinery

CSA Group , 12/18/1999

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard applies to the protection of persons from the hazards arising from the use of mobile or stationary machinery. It provides the criteria to be observed and the description, selection, and application of guards and safety devices. Where a current CSA Standard exists for a specific type of machinery (eg, Z114, CAN/CSA-Z143), it shall take precedence over this Standard.


This Standard does not apply to portable hand-tools.


This Standard is intended for those who design, manufacture, supply, install, use, maintain, or modify machinery, guards, and safety devices. It is also intended to be used by those concerned with information, instruction, and training in safe work practices.


Certain nonmechanical hazards are not dealt with in the body of this Standard. Safety considerations for these hazards are listed in Appendix B.


The word ""shall"" is used to indicate mandatory requirements that are essential to satisfy and the word ""should"" is used to indicate nonmandatory requirements that are recommended.

CSA Z432-94 (R1999) History

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