• CSA Z62.1-95 (R2001)

CSA Z62.1-95 (R2001)

Chain Saws

CSA Group , 02/12/2000

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


1. Scope


This Standard applies to portable, hand held, fuel and electrically powered chain saws. It describes safety req uirements for the design of chain saws and includes recommendations pertaining to their safe operation.


In addition to meeting the applicable requirements of this Standard, all chain saws must meet the requirements of CSA Standard CAN/CSA-Z62.3. Electrical (Class 2) chain saws shall also comply with the requirements specified in CSA Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2 No. 147.


The values given in SI (metric) units are to be considered the standard. The values given in parentheses are for information only.

CSA Z62.1-95 (R2001) History

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CSA Z62.1-95 (R2001)

CSA Z62.1-95 (R2001)

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