• CSA Z772-05 (R2015)

CSA Z772-05 (R2015)

Environmental Management Systems for Hog Operations: Implementation Guide

CSA Group , 01/01/2005

Publisher: CSA

File Format: PDF


CSA Z772-05 (R2015) PDF

This is the first edition of CSA Z772, Environmental management systems for hog operations: Implementation guide. This Standard should be used in conjunction with CAN/CSA-Z771, Environmental Management Systems for Hog Operations: Requirements, which provides the framework for designing and implementing a voluntary system to promote responsible environmental management of hog operations in Canada.

1 Scope

An EMS is a business tool that systematically applies general management principles to environmental issues associated with the activities, products, and services of an organization. CAN/CSA-Z771 applies management principles to environmental issues associated with hog operations. A management system generally includes four components and a feedback loop.

An EMS builds on the management system framework and typically includes the following elements: (a) environmental policy; (b) planning; (c) implementation and operation; (d) checking and corrective action; and (e) management review.

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