• F10 -- Indoor Environmental Health (SI)

F10 -- Indoor Environmental Health (SI)

ASHRAE , 2021

Publisher: ASHRAE

File Format: PDF


This chapter provides general background information andintroduces important concepts of hazard recognition, analysis, and control. Italso presents information on specific hazards, and describes sources ofexposure to each hazard, potential health effects, relevant exposure standardsand guidelines, and methods to control exposure. This chapter also includes abrief introduction to the very broad and dynamic field of indoor environmentalhealth. Thus, descriptions of potential hazards (and especially their controls)presented do not constitute a comprehensive, state-of-the-art review.Additional detail is available on many important topics in other ASHRAEHandbook chapters, including Chapters 9, 11, 12, and 16 of this volume; Chapter29 of the 2020 ASHRAE Handbook—HVACSystems and Equipment, and Chapters 31 and 46 of the 2019 ASHRAE Handbook—HVAC Applications.

Health Sciences Relevant toIndoor Environment
Hazard Recognition, Analysis,and Control
Gaseous Contaminants
Thermal Environment
Electrical Hazards
Mechanical Energies
Electromagnetic Radiation
Outdoor Air Ventilation andHealth

No. of Pages: 30

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