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ASHRAE , 2021
Publisher: ASHRAE
File Format: PDF
This chapter contains material property data related to the thermal-,air-, and moisture-related performance of building assemblies. The informationcan be used in simplified calculation methods as applied in Chapter 27, or insoftware-based methods for transient solutions. Heat transfer understeady-state and transient conditions is covered in Chapter 4, and Chapter 25discusses combined heat, air, and moisture transport in building assemblies.For information on thermal insulation for mechanical systems (includinginsulation used in a range of temperatures), see Chapter 23. For information oninsulation materials used in refrigerant piping systems and cryogenic or low-temperatureapplications, see Chapters 10 and 47 of the 2018 ASHRAE Handbook—Refrigeration. For properties of materials nottypically used in building construction, see Chapter 33 of this volume.
INSULATION MATERIALS ANDINSULATING SYSTEMS Apparent ThermalConductivity Materials and Systems AIR BARRIERS WATER VAPOR RETARDERS DATA TABLES Thermal Property Data Surface Emissivity andEmittance Data Thermal Resistance of PlaneAir Spaces Air Permeance Data Water Vapor Permeance Data Moisture Storage Data Soils Data Surface FilmCoefficients/Resistances Codes and Standards
No. of Pages: 23
$26.00 $52.00
$117.00 $235.16
$8.00 $16.00
$86.00 $173.03