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ASHRAE , 2021
Publisher: ASHRAE
File Format: PDF
This chapter provides an overview of energy production andconsumption in the United States and worldwide, and projections for the future.Energy used in buildings and facilities is responsible for 30 to 40% of theworld’s energy use, significantly impacting world energy resources. ASHRAE’swork to reduce energy consumption in the built environment is equally as importantas research on new, more sustainable energy sources in helping ensure areliable and secure supply of energy for future generations. More informationon sustainable design is available in the ASHRAEGreenGuide (2013) and in Chapter 35.
CHARACTERISTICS OF ENERGYAND ENERGY RESOURCE FORMS On-Site Energy/Energy ResourceRelationships Summary ENERGY RESOURCE PLANNING Integrated ResourcePlanning (IRP) Tradable Emission Credits OVERVIEW OF GLOBAL ENERGYRESOURCES World Energy Resources Carbon Emissions U.S. Energy Use U.S. Agencies andAssociations
No. of Pages: 9
$8.00 $16.00
$66.00 $132.00
$146.00 $293.00