• ICC FL-EB-CC-BK-2007


2007 Florida Existing Building Code: Code & Commentary, Existing Building

International Code Council , 2007

Publisher: ICC

File Format: PDF


This comprehensive publication provides a convenient reference for regulations in the 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building. The existing building code has been updated from the 2004 Florida Building Code, Existing Building using the 2006 International Existing Building Code with Florida-specific amendments. The 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building applies to the repair, alteration, change of occupancy, addition and relocation of existing buildings. The 2004 Florida Building Code, Existing Building was a new volume to the 2004 Florida Codes and was one of the most misunderstood of the Florida Codes. This commentary will be an essential reference in understanding and apply these provisions.

The commentary series is presented in an easy-to-understand format. Every chapter begins with "General Comments" and "Purpose" sections followed by code and commentary to subsequent sections, tables and figures.

This in-depth publication focuses on providing the full meaning and implications of the 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building. The commentaries are designed to suggest the most effective method of application, and the consequences of not adhering to the code.

This is an excellent reference for code officials, engineers, architects, inspectors, plans examiners, contractors and anyone who needs a better understanding of the 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building.

The following are important features of the Commentary:

  • Complete text of the 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building
  • Analysis of many significant changes from the 2007 Florida Building Code, Existing Building
  • Analysis of many common interpretations
  • Explores the basis and rationale for many code sections
  • Incorporates examples, illustrations, and diagrams to aid in understanding
  • Incorporates existing BOAF Non-bind Interpretations and Florida Building Commission Declaratory Statements as applicable

Also available in CD format or save and purchase both.

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