ICC IPC-2015

2015 International Plumbing Code (IPC) - (Includes IPSDC)

International Code Council , 2014

Publisher: ICC

File Format: PDF


Provides minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of both performance and prescriptive objectives, and provides for the acceptance of new innovative products, materials, and systems. The IPC™ also includes its companion document, 2015 International Private Sewage Disposal Code™.
Changes this edition include:
  • Public toilet facilities are not required for occupancies that have limited areas for public access.
  • Water temperature limiting devices are required for footbaths and head shampoo sinks.
  • In a replacement water heater installation situation when a nearby drain point is unavailable for the required pan, a code modification allows the pan to be used without a drain line.
  • Fixtures such as water closets and urinals that utilize nonpotable water must be identified with words and a symbol that nonpotable water is being used. The color purple is established for identifying distribution piping conveying nonpotable water.
  • The application of a primer to drain, waste and vent PVC pipe and fittings prior to solvent cementing is not required for 4-inch pipe size and smaller.
The IPC also includes its companion document, 2015 International Private Sewage Disposal Code® , that contains provisions for design, installation, and inspection of private sewage disposal systems, and provides flexibility in the development of safe and sanitary systems.

ICC IPC-2015 History

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ICC IPC-2015

ICC IPC-2015

$44.00 $89.00

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