ICC IPC-2018

2018 International Plumbing Code (IPC)

International Code Council , 2017

Publisher: ICC

File Format: PDF


The IPC provides minimum regulations for plumbing facilities in terms of both performance and prescriptive objectives, and provides for the acceptance of new and innovative products, materials, and systems.

Important changes include:
  • Updated table for the Minimum Number of Required Plumbing Fixtures.
  • Single-user toilet facilities (a room having a single water closet and a single lavatory) are not required to be labeled for use by only a male or female (separated use designations).
  • Solar thermal water heating systems need to conform to the ICC 900/SRCC 300 standard.
  • Well systems are required to comply with standard NGWA-01 where local requirements do not cover subject matter or are lacking in detail on others.

ICC IPC-2018 History

ICC IPC-2024

ICC IPC-2024

$58.00 $117.00

ICC IPC-2021

ICC IPC-2021

$48.00 $97.00

ICC IPC-2018

ICC IPC-2018

$44.00 $89.00

ICC IPC-2015

ICC IPC-2015

$44.00 $89.00

ICC IPC-2012

ICC IPC-2012

$42.00 $85.00

ICC NY-PC-2010

ICC NY-PC-2010

$37.00 $74.00

ICC IPC-2009

ICC IPC-2009

$40.00 $80.00

ICC NY-PC-2007

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$35.00 $70.00

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$39.00 $79.00

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