ICC IRC-2015

2015 International Residential Code for One- and Two-Family Dwellings (IRC)

International Code Council , 2014

Publisher: ICC

File Format: PDF



Changes in this edition include:
  • Common walls separating townhouses must now be rated for 2 hours when an automatic fire sprinkler system is not installed.
  • Remodeling of an existing basement does not trigger the emergency escape and rescue opening requirements unless a new bedroom is created.
  • Ramps that do not serve the required egress door are not permitted to have a slope not greater than 1 unit vertical in 8 units horizontal.
  • Carbon monoxide alarms now require connection to the house wiring system with battery backup. A carbon monoxide alarm is required in bedrooms where there is a fuel-fired appliance in the bedroom or adjoining bathroom.
  • Revised lumber capacities have changed the span lengths for floor joists, ceiling joists and rafters in the prescriptive tables of the IRC.
  • New sections and tables provide prescriptive methods for posts, beams, joists and connections in deck construction.
  • The girder and header span tables of Chapter 5 have been moved into Chapter 6. Multi-ply and single header tables are combined. A new section describing rimn board headers is added.

ICC IRC-2015 History

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