IEC 60317-0-5 Ed. 2.0 b:2006

Specifications for particular types of winding wires - Part 0-5: General requirements - Glass-fibre braided, resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire

International Electrotechnical Commission , 11/09/2006

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC 60317 specifies general requirements of glass-fibre braided resin or varnish impregnated, bare or enamelled rectangular copper wire. The range of nominal conductor dimensions is given in the relevant specification sheet.

IEC 60317-0-5 Ed. 2.0 b:2006 History

IEC 60317-0-5 Ed. 2.0 b:2006
IEC 60317-0-5 Ed. 1.2 b:2000

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