• IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 3.0 en:2012

IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 3.0 en:2012

Household and similar electrical appliances - Safety - Part 2-79: Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners

International Electrotechnical Commission , 02/28/2012

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 60335-2-79:2012(E) deals with the safety of high-pressure cleaners without traction drive, intended for household and commercial indoor or outdoor use, having a rated pressure not less than 2,5 MPa and not exceeding 35 MPa. It also applies to steam cleaners and those parts of hot water high pressure cleaners incorporating a steam stage which have a capacity not exceeding 100 l, a rated pressure not exceeding 2,5 MPa and a product of capacity and rated pressure not exceeding 5 MPa x l. They are not equipped with a traction drive. The following power systems of the drive for the high pressure pump are covered:
- mains powered motors up to a rated voltage of 250 V for single-phase machines and 480 V for other machines,
- battery powered motors,
- internal combustion engines and
- hydraulic or pneumatic motors. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2002 and its Amendments 1 (2004) and 2 (2007). It constitutes a technical revision. The principal changes in this edition as compared with the second edition of IEC 60335-2-79 are as follows (minor changes are not listed):
- the scope has been revised editorially to avoid misunderstandings;
- terms and definitions has been revised with regard to the requirements revised;
- the standard has been revised in general and updated regarding state-of-the-art, as far as necessary, in particular some changes have been made to Clauses 15, 22, and 25;
- a new Annex CC 'Emission of acoustical noise' was added;
- a new Annex DD 'Emission of vibration' was added and
- a new Annex EE with a model test report for vibration emission was added.

This publication is to be read in conjunction with IEC 60335-1:2010.

IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 3.0 en:2012 History

IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 4.0 b:2016
IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 3.0 en:2012
IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 2.2 en:2007
IEC 60335-2-79 Ed. 2.1 en:2005

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