• IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 3.0 b:2009

IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 3.0 b:2009

Optical fibres - Part 2-40: Product specifications - Sectional specification for category A4 multimode fibres

International Electrotechnical Commission , 04/20/2009

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 60793-2-40:2009 is applicable to optical fibre categories A4a, A4b, A4c, A4d, A4e, A4f, A4g and A4h. These fibres have a plastic core and plastic cladding and may have step-index, multi-step index, or graded-index profiles. This third edition cancels and replaces the second edition published in 2006 and constitutes a technical revision which defines an enhanced A4a fibre named A4a.2 while the existing A4a fibre has been renamed A4a.1.

IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 3.0 b:2009 History

IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 5.0 b:2021
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 4.0 b:2015
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 4.0 en:2015
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 3.0 b:2009
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 3.0 en:2009
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 2.0 b:2006
IEC 60793-2-40 Ed. 1.0 b:2002

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