IEC 60794-4-10 Ed. 2.0 b:2014

Optical fibre cables - Part 4-10: Family specification - Optical ground wires (OPGW) along electrical power lines

International Electrotechnical Commission , 10/29/2014

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 60794-4-10:2014 which is a family specification, covers cable construction, test methods and optical, mechanical, environmental and electrical performance requirements for OPGW (optical ground wire) which is used for the protection of electrical power lines against atmospheric discharges or short-circuits and, at the same time, as a high bandwidth transport media for communications-and-control optical signals. The corresponding environmental declaration may be built according to IEC TR 62839-1. This second edition cancels and replaces the first edition published in 2006 and constitutes a technical revision. This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition:
- galloping test (9.7) has been added to the type tests list;
- update of definitions clause;
- maximum installation tension (MIT) defined and used in the sheave test description;
- definition of characterization of OPGW's mechanical behaviour in order to provide information useful for electrical power transmission lines designers;
- improved definition of lightning test parameters and conditions to improve reproducibility among different laboratories. Keywords: OPGW (optical ground wire), protection of electrical power lines, atmospheric discharges

IEC 60794-4-10 Ed. 2.0 b:2014 History

IEC 60794-4-10 Ed. 2.0 b:2014
IEC 60794-4-10 Ed. 2.0 en:2014
IEC 60794-4-10 Ed. 1.0 b:2006

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