• IEC 60874-1 Ed. 6.0 b:2011

IEC 60874-1 Ed. 6.0 b:2011

Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components - Connectors for optical fibres and cables - Part 1: Generic specification

International Electrotechnical Commission , 11/24/2011

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 60874-1:2011 applies to fibre optic connector sets and individual components (i.e. adaptors, plugs, sockets) for all types, sizes and structures of fibres and cables. It includes: connector set requirements; This part of IEC 60874 is divided into four clauses:
- Clauses 1 (Scope), 2 (Normative references) and 3 (Terms and definitions) contain general information pertaining to this generic specification;
- Clause 4 (Requirements) contains all the requirements to be met by connectors covered by this specification. This includes requirements for classification, the IEC specification system, documentation, materials, workmanship, quality, performance, identification, and packaging. This sixth edition cancels and replaces the fifth edition published in 2006, and constitutes a technical revision. The specific technical changes from the previous edition include removal of quality assessment procedure, to add the definition of plug-socket configuration, to reconsider a drawing showing the relationship between IEC 60874, IEC 61753, IEC 61754 series of standards., and updating the normative references.

IEC 60874-1 Ed. 6.0 b:2011 History

IEC 60874-1 Ed. 6.0 b:2011
IEC 60874-1 Ed. 5.0 b:2006
IEC 60874-1 Ed. 4.0 b:1999

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