IEC 60951-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2022

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation important to safety - Radiation monitoring for accident and post-accident conditions - Part 1: General requirements

International Electrotechnical Commission , 11/01/2022

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC 60951 provides general guidance on the design principles and performance criteria for equipment to measure radiation and fluid (gaseous effluents or liquids) radioactivity levels at nuclear facilities during and after design basis accidents (DBA) and design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA). This document is limited to equipment for continuous monitoring of radioactivity in design basis accidents (DBA), design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA) and post-accident conditions.

The purpose of this document is to lay down general requirements and give examples of acceptable methods for equipment for continuous monitoring of radioactivity within the facility during and after design basis accidents (DBA), design extension conditions (DEC), including severe accident (SA) in nuclear facilities.

It specifies, for the equipment described above, the general characteristics, general test procedures, radiation, electrical, safety and environmental characteristics and the identification and certification of the equipment. If this equipment is part of a centralized system for continuous radiation monitoring in a nuclear facility, there may be additional requirements from other standards related to this system.

Sample extraction and laboratory analysis, which are essential to a complete programme of effluent monitoring, are not within the scope of this document.

IEC 60951-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2022 History

IEC 60951-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2022

IEC 60951-1 Ed. 3.0 b:2022

$164.00 $329.00

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