IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.2 b:2023

Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) - Part 12: Survival craft portable two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus - Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results CONSOLIDATED EDITION

International Electrotechnical Commission , 11/01/2023

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC 61097 specifies the minimum performance requirements, technical characteristics and methods of testing with required test results of survival craft portable two-way radiotelephone apparatus as required by chapter III of the 1988 amendments to the 1974 International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS), and which is associated with IEC 60945. When a requirement in this standard is different from IEC 60945, the requirement in this standard shall take precedence.

This standard incorporates the applicable parts of the performance requirements included in IMO Resolution MSC.515(105) and the technical characteristics included in ITU M.489-2, and takes account of the general requirements contained in IMO Resolution A.694(17), and conforms with the ITU Radio Regulations where applicable.

NOTE – All text of this standard, whose wording is identical to that in IMO Resolutions A.809(19) MSC.515(105) and A.694(17) and ITU-R M.489-2 is printed in italics and the Resolution/Recommendation and paragraph numbers are indicated in brackets.

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.2 b:2023 History

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.2 b:2023

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.2 b:2023

$202.00 $405.00

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.1 b:2017

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.1 b:2017

$186.00 $373.00

IEC 61097-12 Ed. 1.0 en:1996

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