IEC 61167 Ed. 4.1 b:2018

Metal halide lamps - Performance specification CONSOLIDATED EDITION

International Electrotechnical Commission , 10/23/2018

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 61167:2018 specifies the performance requirements for metal halide lamps for general lighting purposes.
This fourth edition cancels and replaces the third edition published in 2015. This edition constitutes a technical revision.
This edition includes the following significant technical changes with respect to the previous edition.
a) A set of new lamp data sheets has been introduced for lamp types designed for replacing high pressure sodium lamps.
b) A set of new lamp data sheets has been introduced for 4 200 K versions of 3 000 K lamp types already in the standard.
c) A set of new lamp data sheets has been introduced for new lamp types where high frequency ignition data is important.
d) Annex G has been revised to incorporate high frequency ignition. As a consequence of this change, all data sheets in the standard have been revised to a new format.
e) A new informative Annex K has been introduced, giving recommended methods of making lamp temperature measurements.

IEC 61167 Ed. 4.1 b:2018 History

IEC 61167 Ed. 4.0 b:2018

IEC 61167 Ed. 4.0 b:2018

$256.00 $512.00

IEC 61167 Ed. 4.1 b:2018

IEC 61167 Ed. 4.1 b:2018

$329.00 $658.00

IEC 61167 Ed. 3.0 b:2015

IEC 61167 Ed. 3.0 b:2015

$205.00 $410.00

IEC 61167 Ed. 2.0 b:2011

IEC 61167 Ed. 2.0 b:2011

$199.00 $399.00

IEC 61167 Ed. 1.0 b:1992

IEC 61167 Ed. 1.0 b:1992

$66.00 $132.00

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