• IEC 61360-4 Ed. 2.0 en:2005

IEC 61360-4 Ed. 2.0 en:2005

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components - Part 4: IEC reference collection of standard data element types and component classes.
The collection can be accessed from IEC CDD (Common Data Dictionary)

International Electrotechnical Commission , 11/11/2005

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


Specifies the definitions of data element types for electric components and materials and the definitions of the component classes. Provides a set of uniquely identified data element types with an unambiguously defined meaning, a defined value format, and a prescribed value domain for non-quantitative data element types. An online version of the data dictionary is available on the IEC website: IEC 61360-4 database.

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