IEC 61910-1:2014 applies to radiation dose structured reports produced by X ray equipment that falls within the scope of IEC 60601-2-43:2010 or IEC 60601-2-54:2009. This document does not impose specific requirements on the accuracy of the reported or displayed data. Existing standards or regulations can have applicable requirements for accuracy and precision. This standard provides specific units and quantities and prescribes data storage formats. This document does not present any requirements on the form of display of dose information to operators or other individuals. The objective of this International Standard is to specify the minimum dataset to be used for reporting dosimetric and related information associated with the production of projection radiological images. This first edition cancels and replaces IEC/PAS 61910-1, published in 2007. It constitutes a technical revision which includes the following significant technical changes with respect to IEC/PAS 61910-1:2007:
- the previously defined three conformance levels have been restructured to two;
- the mapping between DICOM and IEC terms is explicitly described in an annex and is decoupled from the conformance level content requirements;
- and a general update to the revised contents of the DICOM RDSR definition has occurred.
- the previously defined three conformance levels have been restructured to two;
- the mapping between DICOM and IEC terms is explicitly described in an annex and is decoupled from the conformance level content requirements;
- and a general update to the revised contents of the DICOM RDSR definition has occurred.
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