IEC 61987-32 Ed. 1.0 B:2024

Industrial-Process Measurement And Control - Data Structures And Elements In Process Equipment Catalogues - Part 32: Lists Of Properties (LOP) For I/O Modules For Electronic Data Exchange

International Electrotechnical Commission , 06/01/2024

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


This part of IEC 61987 provides
– an operating list of properties (OLOP) for the description of the operating parameters and the collection of requirements for I/O modules and
– a device list of properties (DLOP) for the description of a range of I/O module types

The structures of the OLOP and the DLOPs correspond to the general structures defined in IEC 61987-11 and agree with the fundamentals for the construction of LOPs defined in IEC 61987-10.

Aspects other than the OLOP, needed in different electronic data exchange processes and described in IEC 61987-10 and IEC 61987-11, are published in IEC 61987-92.

The locations of the libraries of properties and of blocks used in the LOPs concerned are listed in Annex C and Annex D.

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