• IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2013

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2013

Determination of certain substances in electrotechnical products - Part 4: Mercury in polymers, metals and electronics by CV-AAS, CV-AFS, ICP-OES and ICP-MS

International Electrotechnical Commission , 06/19/2013

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 62321-4:2013 describes the use of four test methods for mercury in polymers, metals and electronics, namely CV-AAS (cold vapour atomic absorption spectrometry), CV-AFS (cold vapour atomic fluorescence spectrometry) ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry), and ICP-MS (inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry) as well as several procedures for preparing the sample solution from which the most appropriate method of analysis can be selected by experts.

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2013 History

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.1 b:2017

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.1 b:2017

$158.00 $316.00

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2013

IEC 62321-4 Ed. 1.0 b:2013

$117.00 $234.00

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