• IEC 62512 Ed. 1.0 b:2012

IEC 62512 Ed. 1.0 b:2012

Electric clothes washer-dryers for household use - Methods for measuring the performance

International Electrotechnical Commission , 09/27/2012

Publisher: IEC

File Format: PDF


IEC 62512:2012 provides a globally applicable and agreed method to test the washing and drying function of washer-dryers. Although this standard is based on IEC 61121:2012 on tumble dryers and IEC 60456:2010 on clothes washers, it specifies the conditions needed to test the combined function of washing and drying. The main elements of this standard are:
- the definition of the loads to be tested in continuous and interrupted operation cycles;
- the method for testing automatic and not automatic operation of the drying cycles;
- the way to handle the load for interrupted operation cycles;
- the correction to be applied to test results for continuous and interrupted operation cycles.

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