• IEEE 1076.1.1-2004

IEEE 1076.1.1-2004

IEEE Standard VHDL Analog and Mixed-Signal Extensions---Packages for Multiple Energy Domain Support

IEEE , 06/17/2005

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard defines a collection of VHDL 1076.1 packages, compatible with IEEE Std 1076.1(TM)-1999,along with recommendations for conforming use, in order to facilitate the interchange of simulation models of physical components and subsystems. The packages include the definition of standard types, subtypes, natures, and constants for modeling in multiple energy domains (electrical, fluidic, mechanical, etc.) The packages are intended for use primarily in the modeling of multiple energy domain systems. The range of operation of the packages is not defined in this standard, but is intended to be valid across a wide range of disciplines and applications. The definitions of IEEE Std 1076.1-1999 allow users to build simulation models of physical components and subsystems that may belong to multiple energy domains (electrical, fluidic, mechanical, etc.). Such models are built upon sets of properties that are specific to each energy domain and encapsulated in socalled natures. IEEE Std 1076.1-1999 provides a mechanism to define natures, but intentionally does not predefine any standard set of natures as it is expected that this would be done in a subsequent IEEE standard project. The definition of a standard set of natures is crucial to make possible the reuse and exchange of models written in VHDL 1076.1 within and among vendors. New IEEE Standard - Superseded. This standard defines a collection of VHDL 1076.1 packages, compatible with IEEE Std 1076.1TM-1999, along with recommendations for conforming use, in order to facilitate the interchange of simulation models of physical components and subsystems. The packages include the definition of standard types, subtypes, natures, and constants for modeling in multiple energy domains (electrical, fluidic, mechanical, etc.).

IEEE 1076.1.1-2004 History

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IEEE 1076.1.1-2004

$70.00 $141.00

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