• IEEE 114-2001

IEEE 114-2001

IEEE Standard Test Procedure for Single-Phase Induction Motors

IEEE , 05/24/2002

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard covers instructions for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable and acceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of single-phase induction motors, including non-excited synchronous motors. It is not intended that this standard shall cover all possible tests used in production or tests of a research nature. The standard shall not be interpreted as requiring the making of any or all of the tests described herein in any given transaction. The proposed standard is intended to satisfy the following objectives: 1) Promote consistency between electric motor manufacturers regarding the performance evaluation of single-phase induction motors. 2) Provide useful practices on evaluating performance during the design of electric motors. 3) Provide useful practices on evaluating and qualifying manufacturer capabilities to meet user requirements. 4) Provide useful practices for evaluating and qualifying manufactured electric motors. 5) Assist individuals or organizations judging the quality of single-phase induction motors delivered to end users. Revision Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn. " Instructions are given for conducting and reporting the more generally applicable andacceptable tests to determine the performance characteristics of single phase induction motors.Electrical measurements, performance testing, temperature tests, and miscellaneous tests arecovered. "

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