• IEEE 1220-1998

IEEE 1220-1998

IEEE Standard for Application and Management of the Systems Engineering Process

IEEE , 01/29/1999

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This standard defines the tasks which are required throughout the system's life-cycle to transform customer requirements into a system solution. This includes the definition of technical performance measures, the integration of engineering specialties toward the establishment of a system architecture, and the definition of supporting life-cycle processes which balance cost, performance, schedule and risk objectives. The standard is intended for systems for commercial, government, military and space applications. To clarify the use of terminology in the document. Incorporate lessons learned during the trial use period from both teaching classes based on the document and field experience of users, and clarify relationships with other standards within the IEEE Software Engineering collection. Revision Standard - Superseded. Superseded by 1220-2005 The interdisciplinary tasks, which are required throughout a systemÕs life cycle to trans-form customer needs, requirements, and constraints into a system solution, are defined. In addition,the requirements for the systems engineering process and its application throughout the productlife cycle are specified. The focus of this standard is on engineering activities necessary to guideproduct development while ensuring that the product is properly designed to make it affordable toproduce, own, operate, maintain, and eventually to dispose of, without undue risk to health or theenvironment.

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IEEE 1220-1998

$70.00 $141.00

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