• IEEE 1244.1-2000

IEEE 1244.1-2000

IEEE Standard for Media Management System (MMS) Architecture

IEEE , 10/23/2000

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


To specify the architecture of a distributed, platform-independent, system to manage removable media, including both disk and tape, using robotic and manual methods. The general scheme for managing media, the expected components of the software system, and the data model to be supported by the software system for manageing this media are described by this standard. Details of components of the Media Management System are specified by companion standards. To provide a standard architecture for media management and enabling components. This architecture and companion components are part of a comprehensive revision of the Mass Storage Systems Reference Model (MSSRM), needed to achieve scalability and meaningful implementability. New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Withdrawn. Administratively withdrawn January 2007 The architecture of a distributed, platform-independent system that manages removable media, including both disk and tape, using robotic and manual methods are specified. The generals chema for managing media, the components of the software system, and the supporting data model used by the software system for managing this media are described by this standard. Details of major components of the system are specified by companion standards.

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