IEEE 1247-2005

IEEE Standard for Interrupter Switches for Alternating Current, Rated Above 1000 Volts

IEEE , 06/06/2006

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 1247-2005 PDF

This standard applies to switching devices, interrupters, and interrupter switches (as defined in IEEE Std C37.100-1992) for alternating current, rated above 1000 volts and used indoors, outdoors, or in enclosures for which a switching rating is to be assigned.While this standard covers the basic requirements of interrupter switches used indoors, outdoors, and in enclosures, other standards such as IEEE Std C37.20.2-1993, IEEE Std C37.20.3-1987, IEEE Std C37.20.4-1996, IEEE Std C37.71-1984, and IEEE PC37.73 (D.9, 1997) also contain requirements for switches used in enclosures. This standard does not apply to load-break separable insulated connectors, which are covered by IEEE Std 386-1995 [B7]. This standard also does not apply to circuit-breakers, circuit-switchers, or reclosers. The purpose of this standard is to provide a basic standard for switching devices, interrupters, and interrupter switches. This broad definition of a switch, encompasses devices that meet the strict definition of an interrupter switch in IEEE Std C37.100-1992, and also encompass devices that utilize insulating media other than air. Technical errors have been identified in some of the testing code. The intent of this revision is to produce a technically correct standard, but not to change any of the approach philosophy. Revision Standard - Inactive-Reserved. The basic requirements of interrupter switches used indoors, outdoors, and in enclosures are covered. This standard does not apply to load-break separable insulated connectors.

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