• IEEE 1484.2-2024

IEEE 1484.2-2024

IEEE Recommended Practice for Learning and Employment Record (LER) Ecosystems

IEEE , 08/23/2024

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 1484.2-2024 PDF

IEEE Std 1484.2™-2024 provides recommended practices for learning and employment records (LERs) related to ecosystems utilizing the following components: a) LER registry b) LER awarder c) LER transmitter d) LER digital wallets e) LER talent marketplaces A learning and employment record (LER) provides information about an individual’s learning experiences, credentials, and qualifications, including employment history and jobs data, that have been issued to the individual such that this LER holder (or their legal guardian or authorized agent) can control how the information is presented and shared within the LER ecosystem. An LER is stored in an LER digital wallet, or equivalent, having features that allow LER holders to share all or part of their records with others. LERs can be created by the individual or by a third party known as an LER awarder. In addition, some LERs can be digitally verified with the LER transmitter. Participants in this LER ecosystem framework include the entities that award and transmit the LER, those that support validation of the LER, the subject or guardian as the LER holder, as well as the organizations of the LER talent marketplaces that can access LERs presented by LER holders. The purpose of the recommended practice for LER ecosystems is to provide standard implementation framework guidance for aligning relevant technical standards into an interoperable LER ecosystem. New IEEE Standard - Active. This document is a standard set of recommended practices for ecosystem-scale technical providers related to issuing, holding, and presenting learning and employment records (LERs) for education and employment achievements and related data. Extensive normative and declarative references to other existing standards, open-source projects, and shared services are made by it.

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