IEEE 15026-3-2013

IEEE Standard Adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-3 -- Systems and Software Engineering -- Systems and Software Assurance -- Part 3: System Integrity Levels

IEEE , 07/12/2013

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 15026-3-2013 PDF

The concept of integrity levels with corresponding integrity level requirements that are required to be met in order to show the achievement of the integrity level are specified in this adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011. It places requirements on and recommends methods for defining and using integrity levels and their integrity level requirements, including the assignment of integrity levels to systems, software products, their elements, and relevant external dependencies.This standard is applicable to systems and software and is intended for use by the following: 1. Definers of integrity levels such as industry and professional organizations, standards organizations, and government agencies; 2. Users of integrity levels such as developers and maintainers, suppliers and acquirers, users, and assessors of systems or software and for the administrative and technical support of systems and/or software products. One important use of integrity levels is by suppliers and acquirers in agreements; for example, to aid in assuring safety, economic, or security characteristics of a delivered system or product. This standard does not prescribe a specific set of integrity levels or their integrity level requirements. In addition, it does not prescribe the way in which integrity level use is integrated with the overall system or software engineering life cycle processes. This standard can be used alone or with other parts of ISO/IEC 15026. It can be used with a variety of technical and specialized risk analysis and development approaches. ISO/IEC TR 15026-1 provides additional information and references to aid users of IEEE Std 15026-3. [ISO/IEC standards generally do not include a purpose clause. This one is no exception.] New IEEE Standard - Active. The concept of integrity levels with corresponding integrity level requirements that are required to be met in order to show the achievement of the integrity level are specified in this adoption of ISO/IEC 15026-3:2011. It places requirements on and recommends methods for defining and using integrity levels and their integrity level requirements, including the assignment of integrity levels to systems, software products, their elements, and relevant external dependencies.

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