• IEEE 1622-2011

IEEE 1622-2011

IEEE Standard for Electronic Distribution of Blank Ballots for Voting Systems

IEEE , 01/12/2012

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


IEEE 1622-2011 PDF

This standard specifies electronic data interchange formats for blank ballot distribution, primarily to satisfy the needs of the Uniform and Overseas Citizens Assistance in Voting Act (UOCAVA) and Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. Subsequent standards may address other requirements for electronic data interchange formats used by components of voting systems for exchange of electronic data. This scope does not include return of cast ballots by electronic means. This standard defines common data interchange formats to allow export of blank ballots from voting systems, primarily to facilitate the casting of ballots by military and overseas voters. New IEEE Standard - Inactive-Reserved. This standard specifies electronic data interchange formats for blank ballot distribution, primarily to assist in satisfying the needs of the Uniformed and Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) and Military and Overseas Voter Empowerment (MOVE) Act. Subsequent standards will address other requirements for electronic data interchange formats used by components of voting systems for exchange of electronic data. This scope does not include return of cast ballots by electronic means. (This PDF of this standard is available as part of the IEEE Get program. Through the IEEE SA and industry support, select IEEE standards are available for download at no charge. )

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