• IEEE 1680-2006

IEEE 1680-2006

IEEE Standard for Environmental Assessment of Personal Computer Products, including Laptop Personal Computers, Desktop Personal Computers, and Personal Computer Monitors

IEEE , 04/28/2006

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


This Standard defines environmental performance standards for personal computer products, including desktop computers, notebook computers, and computer monitors that are marketed to institutions, and includes key concepts and implementation procedures relating to reduction or elimination of environmentally sensitive materials, materials selection, design for end of life, life cycle extension, energy conservation, end of life management, corporate performance and packaging. This Standard provides a clear and consistent set of performance criteria for the design of personal computer products that are marketed to institutions, and provides an opportunity to secure market recognition for efforts to reduce the environmental impact of electronic products. The environmental performance criteria of this Standard are intended to define a measure of environmental leadership in: the design and manufacture of personal computer products that are marketed to institutions; the delivery of specified services that are associated with the sale of the product to institutions; and in associated corporate performance characteristics. This Standard is defined with the intention that the criteria are technically feasible to achieve, but that only products demonstrating the leading environmental performance currently available in the marketplace would meet them at the time of their adoption. As the environmental performance of products that are available in the marketplace improves, it is intended that the criteria will be updated and revised to set a higher performance standard for leadership products. This Standard is intended to serve as a baseline for further environmental standards for additional electronic products to be developed in the future. New IEEE Standard - Superseded. IEEE Std 1680-2006 provides a set of environmental performance criteria for notebook computers, desktop computers, and computer monitors. In addition, it defines the methods by which manufacturers may declare such products as conforming with the Standard and by which such conformance may be verified. The Standard provides a measure of environmental leadership in product design, manufacture, service and end-of-life management. It is intended for use by institutional purchasers to select personal computer products, and by product manufacturers who wish to sell such products. There are three levels of conformance with this Standard. To achieve the first level, the product shall conform to all of the 23 required environmental criteria. To achieve the second level, the product shall conform to all of the required criteria plus at least 50% of the 28 optional criteria, and to achieve the third level the product shall conform to all the required criteria and at least 75% of the optional criteria. It is intended that this Standard shall be a baseline for further environmental standards for additional electronic products and shall be updated and revised on a periodic basis to continue to set a higher performance standard for leadership products.

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