• IEEE 1686-2007

IEEE 1686-2007

IEEE Standard for Substation Intelligent Electronic Devices (IEDs) Cyber Security Capabilities

IEEE , 02/11/2008

Publisher: IEEE

File Format: PDF


The standard defines the functions and features to be provided in substation intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) to accommodate critical infrastructure protection (CIP) programs. The standard addresses security regarding the access, operation, configuration, firmware revision, and data retrieval from an IED. Encryption for the secure transmission of data both within and external to the substation is not part of this standard as this is addressed in other efforts. The standard defines the functions and features to be provided in substation IEDs to accommodate CIP programs. Specifically, the standard states which safeguards, audit mechanisms, and alarm indications shall be provided by the vendor of the IED with regard to all activities associated with access, operation, configuration, firmware revision, and data retrieval from an IED. The standard also allows the user to define a security program around these features, and alert the user if an IED does not meet this standard as to the need for other defensive measures (technical and/or procedural) that may need to be taken. The encryption for the secure transmission of data both within and external to the substation is not part of this standard as this is addressed in other efforts. New IEEE Standard - Superseded. The functions and features to be provided in substation intelligent electronic devices (IEDs) to accommodate critical infrastructure protection programs are defined in this standard. Security regarding the access, operation, configuration, firmware revision, and data retrieval from an IED is addressed in this standard. Communications for the purpose of power system protection (teleprotection) is not addressed. Encryption for the secure transmission of data both within and external to the substation, including supervisory control and data acquisition, is not part of this standard as this is addressed in other efforts.

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